Oct 23, 2007

A day at the beach

Last Sunday I had a bit of a scare. While I was sitting in front of the TV I suddenly felt faint. I taught nothing of it and just ate something, but I got worse, so I went to lay down.After that I started to throw up. I decided to see the doctor which turned out to be a good idea. I had low blood pressure which was causing me to feel faint and nauseous.I was told to rest and drink extra fluids.
I had to cancel my usual day at the beach on sunday.Since I don't really workout I try to walk the beach every now and then.Living in BVI I have some beautiful beaches to take advantage of.I often go to "the Baths" to relax, but since that takes a hike to get there its off limits for the stage of my pregnancy. I also love "Savannah Bay".That's a flat bay so we went there today and took a swim. I also took a walk along the bay. The baby was very quiet.I think the water rocked her to sleep.We intend to take her there often once she's born.I'll always have the memories of taking her there in my tummy.

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