Oct 16, 2007

"Baby" shopping

Yesterday my husband and I went "baby" shopping. There's not much to find here for a baby."Here" that is in Virgin Gorda,there are only 2000 inhabitants,and the shops are according to the tiny Island. Still we found a baby store and I bought a few things for my baby.In my culture you cannot start to shop for baby items too early.
Because when I was in Suriname a few months ago,I could easily have bought most of my baby items right there. But,my mom warned me not to start too early and we decided that she would fedex the most Items like cloth diapers and othere neccesary baby stuff i just can't find here. Still it was nice to start shopping for my baby.
I bought a babybathtub and a nice pair of baby shoes,and some clothes. When we were done the shop was nearly empty:)I love zwitsal products,but the products seem to be
"overperfumated" gues I must look for a less scented baby product.I will also buy some coconuts to make my own coconut oil,because it can be very helpfull when the baby has a snotty nose or a fever.In Suriname every household must have fresh cooked coconut oil,for many different purposes.Here's a very old recepy when your baby has a fever:

Take two table spoons of coconut oil
crunch two pitts of garlic and mix it
with the oil.Add a teaspoon of vinegar
and mix all together.
Massage it gently on the breast and back
of the baby,and put clothes on for your baby
don't leave her without clothes.

This medicine doesn't smell nice,
especially if you hate garlic.
But it works,it drops the fever.