Nov 2, 2007

Visa Frustration for Mom

Everybody is getting ready for the baby,and that's not so easy for my mom and younger sis Whitney.They are now in the middle of a visa frustration, to get into BVI. They need a visa because they have a Caribbean passport,and BVI is a British Island. My stepdad is Dutch and has no problems to travel whatsoever.

The most irritating part is that they have to travel from Suriname to Guyana to get their visa. This means at least a $1000 extra costs,to travel and pay for a hotel,just to get a visa from the British Embassy.It also means that Whitney who is in the tenth grade of the International Academy of Suriname(IAS) has to miss at least two days of school.My mom runs a daycare and preschool in Suriname: "Sjommischool" and "De duimelotjes" And is also forced to leave her job.

My mom tries to be positive in this whole matter.Her grandfather was Guyanees,but she have never been to Guyana before,so she will try to find her relatives.

He Grandfather's name was: William,Edgar,Plowell and he was born around 1900 in Guyana. My grandmother his eldest daughters name was: Hariette,Mathilda,Koenders-Plowell.My mother is Ruth van der Marck-Koenders also a welknown songwriter in Suriname.

My mom and "sis" Whitney will be staying at the Tower Hotel in Guyana from 22 november till 23 november 2007.Hopefully this journey will not only give them their visa,to be able to see my mom's first grandchild and Whitney's little cousin but also a clue to our Guyanees roots.