Mar 31, 2008

Facienne is now 3 months old

I am sure you already know the benefits of breastfeeding.
Facienne is 3 months old and she grows healthy.

Don't consider another way to feed your child except for strict medical reasons.If your healthy you owe it to your child to give it the right food and that's the food that's inside of you.The milk that your body produces,for your child.

Mar 26, 2008




In Suriname they say that birthmarks,are a direct consequence of cravings during the pregnacy,cravings for certain foods you couldn't satisfy. Well when I look at Facienne's skin I see some birthmarks,and I know I had lot's of cravings! for example
The most famous food of Suriname: POM,yes POM! I wanted the Pom so bad when I was pregnant.For those who never heard of Pom: It's a chicken Pie! To make the pom you
need pomtajer,and pomtajer is made from a root of a tajer plant. When my mom came to VG
she brought some and made the pom.As always it was delicious! But the damage was done:)
Facienne was already born with her (Pom) Birthmarks

Mar 18, 2008

Multilingual Facienne

Goedemorgen, or Goodmorning!!

Every time I greet my daughter I realize that eventually she will be a polyglot.
My husband and I speak English, Dutch, and Sranantongo, and some of my husband’s family speaks even more languages.
I think it’s important that since we are in a country where English is the main language we should make every effort to make that her main language.
At home she will also learn Dutch and Sranantongo.

Mar 7, 2008

Facienne babbling with her dad

Things are starting to get normal again in my household.
Facienne is two months old now and I have a grip on her schedule.
Whew! Facienne kept me and Robbert up till late at night.
But what do you expect from a newborn baby.
I went along with her and tried to regulate the times she
wanted to be breastfeeded. I let nature do his work,as my mother
suggested.And that was a good advise. Now she has a steady
sleep and feeding pattern,that allows me to get some sleep too.
I am glad that I decided to quit my job,to take full care of Facienne.